Karate is not only a form of self-defence, because it also promotes the development of body and mind. The techniques are taught to the children with fun, but at the same time requiring and encouraging discipline, concentration and the joy of learning something new. Therefore, this sport is the ideal balance to school, job and everyday stress.


Time of Classes

Every Tuesday and Friday*

Beginners 17:30 - 18:15 h
Advanced students 18:15 - 19:15 h

All 19:20 - 21:15 h                                

* No training during school holidays, please find an exact plan here

** Kids from the 6th year of age or the 1st school year

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per 6 months
Per person 150.- CHF per half year
Family discount (starting from 2 children) 120.- CHFper half year

Per person 200.- CHF
per half year
Apprentice/Student 150.- CHF per half year

Why we are so well priced?

Our relatively low prices have nothing to do with the quality of our training. Our instructors have years of experience and have received a diploma for their skills. Since we train in a school's gym and the annual rent is low, we can offer lower membership fees than usual on the market. In addition, our trainers are not dependent on the income of the members, but teach on a voluntary basis. With the contributions we organize excursions and training equipment.