The philosophy of Karate

- Behind every black belt is a white belt who never gave up -

LINK to everyday Life

Learning and practicing a martial art can on the one hand be seen as a hobby and a balance to everyday life. On the other hand, however, the fascination of martial arts also lies in the philosophy and attitude behind it. Many of the principles promoted in karate, such as respect, perseverance, patience, consideration, self-control or modesty, accompany us even outside of training.


Many of these principles are also reflected in our dojo rules, which we have listed further down this page. These points are mandatory to follow at least during the training. How much you want to get involved with the principles behind them and integrate them into your everyday life is up to you :)


The training has no interference with one's own denomination and faith. The "philosophical" aspect of a martial art is to find one's own physical and psychological weaknesses and strengths, learn to deal with them and to grow from them.

Each karateka is required to follow the following dojo rules.

1. Dojo (practice room)

Our dojo (practice room) is the school gym. Drinking bottles and valuables, if any, should be placed at the edge of the school gym or in the equipment room so that they do not get in the way during practice. In general, the gym rules posted in the school building should be followed. E.g. eating (incl. chewing gum) or entering the hall with street shoes is not allowed.

2. Sensei (TEACHER/Trainer)

Your teacher/trainer should be called Sensei. This is a Japanese term used in martial arts and means "master".

The sensei deserves your absolute respect because (s)he ...

  • ... has been dedicated to martial arts for many decades and not only deals with it in the dojo.
  • ... invests a lot of time in the dojo and every single student/member.
  • ... is always in the dojo, despite stress, bad days, strains, pain, unwillingness etc.
  • ... never gives up and is always there to teach you, train you, no excuses, no ifs, ands or buts, so you can grow.
  • ... has invested a lot of his/her own money and free time to learn for himself and pass on what (s)he has learned.
  • ... has spent more time learning and teaching than the vast majority of people in the dojo have done.
  • ... has always practiced a technique at least 10x more than his/her students, even if they have already practiced the technique 1000x.
  • ... is happy about your progress, your success. Your new belt fills him/her with pride.

All this is not a matter of course. Therefore, and for many other reasons, the Sensei deserves your respect.
Maybe one day you will be Sensei yourself and think back to the time you were allowed to spend with him/her. What (s)he taught you and you can now pass on.

3. Respect and POLITENESS

Disrespect and disparaging remarks, no matter to whom, will not be tolerated. This applies not only to the sensei, but also to all other fellow students, no matter what level and whether from your dojo or other dojos.

In martial arts, respect and courtesy is often expressed in the form of a bow:

  • When entering or leaving our dojo, we greet with a slight bow. This expression of respect is firstly to the practice site and the karate, but also to the sensei and the practice group. Leaving the dojo during class is considered impolite. However, if it is unavoidable, show your sensei your intention by bowing slightly and wait for his confirmation.
  • At the beginning and end of the training, each partner exercise or Kata it is greeted with a bow.
  • We also express agreement/appreciation with a bow or the words "Hai Sensei".

Punctuality is also a matter of respect and politeness. Therefore, avoid coming late to class at all costs. If you do arrive late, kneel in a corner of the dojo and wait for your sensei to signal you to join the group

4. Hygiene And CLEANLINESS

Training is performed barefoot in a complete white karate gi (jacket, pants, belt). Girls/women should also wear a top/shirt under their jacket. Shoes are only allowed in exceptional cases and in consultation with the sensei. Jewelry should be taken off due to the risk of injury and long hair should be tied up.

Last but not least, because we also work in martial arts with physical contact, it is mandatory to pay attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness. Otherwise, both sensei and fellow students cannot enjoy the training. Therefore, if necessary, please wash before training (the dressing rooms are equipped with showers). Finger- and toenails should also be kept short and clean. Waste is to be deposited in the bins provided. Changing rooms are to be left clean and the karate-gi and the clothes worn underneath are to be washed regularly. Please make sure that the karate-gi is worn in a clean and tidy condition, i.e. not completely wrinkled, for example.

5. Training/Lessons

Always try to contribute to a productive class by your behavior and cooperation and to utilize the maximum potential of the training. Always be alert, quick, and focused, because in a fight, alertness, observation, and thinking are basic requirements.

6. Disciplinary measures

The instructor is obliged to maintain order and discipline during the training sessions. In case of improper behavior, lack of self-control, actions to damage our reputation in public or violation of the dojo rules, the instructor/trainer may expel the student from the class at his/her discretion. The board of directors will decide on any further membership of the member in question.

Furthermore, the club and its members undertake to supervise and practice karate exclusively for the purpose of self-defense and to respect the corresponding rules of conduct. The techniques learned may not be used or passed on in public without a legally justifiable reason (such as self-defense). In case of transgression of the self-defense paragraph, the educational level of the karateka will be used. All conflict situations a karateka gets into, which are directly related to "self-defense", are to be reported to the Sensei immediately.

7. Liability

There is no liability for dressing rooms and valuables. Valuables and money should be taken into the hall because of the danger of theft. The club is not liable for any damage to property or personal injury to second parties or third parties. Spectacle wearers are recommended to wear glasses suitable for training (sports glasses, rubber band, etc.) or contact lenses. Each member is responsible for providing their own appropriate insurance coverage.

Social Media: As noted on our registration form, photos will be taken at our events, some of which could be posted on our social media platforms. If this is not desired, please let us know.